LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Derby Cruising Ban Criticized as Racist...Chief Defends Decision


RE: Derby Cruising Ban Criticized as Racist...Chief Defends Decision...

April 29th, 2007 @ 3:34AM (17 years ago)

Let the cruisers cruise and keep the stores opened. Have Coleman and his @#$%^ group hire 400 private security officers and necessary medical workers to respond to any problems. After the shop owners fail to keep the peace at their stores, cite the owners for disorderly pemises and shut them down if they fail to control their patrons. That is their responsibility and not the city's. Perhaps any money they would have made would be exhausted in fines and legal fees and they would see that they can't have their cake and eat it too. It is a property owner's responsbility to control the activity on their property, especially when it negatively impacts the surrounding community. If the business owners and the west end interest groups can control the chaos, let them be held responsible, both civally and criminally. The reality is, there are too many unspoken voices living in the west end and along broadway that desperately hope the courts do not allow this uncontrolled chaos to resume. Furthermore...

Dear media, please stop giving credibility to the idiots that continue the racism, especially the ones that paid the internet price to be called a "reverend". I'm sure you can find some other news story that effects a larger proportion of our society. You don't even have to ignore the west end people. Report on the good kids in the west end. Report on the people in the west end that make a difference and sacrifice themselves for others. Report on the impact of drugs and homicide or the impact of a fatherless child. Report on the good police stories and the relationship that police have with the majority of our community. Report on something other than controversy, negativity, and stupidity. Just for one week, stop interviewing ignorant and controversial people that destroy our sense of community and report on nothing but the positive. As every one of you television station and media directors know, most people believe what they see and hear in the media. Can you act a little more responsible? In closing, there is such a thing as copy-cat criminals and idiots. Congratulations for being reponsible for some of these criminals as you present stories in dramatic and romantic fashions. Do you really think our founding fathers believed the First Admendment would be so abused...whatever...