LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville firefighters reject contract proposal

RE: Louisville firefighters reject contract proposal

April 12th, 2006 @ 7:47PM (18 years ago)

I believe the mayor is starting to realize that his employees arent to thrilled with him.

RE: Louisville firefighters reject contract proposal

April 11th, 2006 @ 9:28PM (18 years ago)

Where is Kelly Downard? The firefighters have endorsed Downard for Mayor but he has not publically, or privately, spoken out in support of the firefighters.

Why hasn't Kelly Downard held a press conference saying if he becomes Mayor he would replace old firehouse with new ones and build more firehouse to provide better protection? If Downdard is not going to take a stand and make fireprotection part of his campaing then what would he do if he became Mayor? Where is the leadership? We know what we have with Jerry Abramson and it aint much.