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President Dotson Says Officer Did It Right

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President Dotson Says Officer Did It Right

July 10th, 2004 @ 2:24PM (20 years ago)

You are in the right steve! Dont let the media get you down brother.

President Dotson Says Officer Did It Right

July 11th, 2004 @ 5:43PM (20 years ago)

OK, I don't know what the newspaper reporter saw in this, but it sure doesn't look like a front page story to me. It looks like a thug that was warned not to fight the police, went ahead and fought the officer. At no time did the Officr strike or kick or choke the suspect. He simply held him in a head lock because he was resisting.The Judge should be ashamed of herself and the prosecutor and the Commonwealth Attorney. Maybe it didn't fit the elements of an Assault 3rd degree, but I darn well saw a subject resisting arrest on this tape.

President Dotson Says Officer Did It Right

July 11th, 2004 @ 8:56PM (20 years ago)


President Dotson Says Officer Did It Right

July 12th, 2004 @ 9:17AM (20 years ago)

RE: Public Officials

The Mayor - I cant believe Im saying this. Thanks and kudos go out to the mayor. He made the statement to the media for people not to jump to any conclusions and that officers have every right to defend themselves.

The Commonwealths Attorney - Your comments and conspiracy theories were completely unprofessional...Actions were "DUMB"? No dave, Driving drunk is dumb and I believe some baker district officers will not extend you the same courtesy of driving you home the next time you are pulled over under the influence.

President Dotson Says Officer Did It Right

July 13th, 2004 @ 3:06PM (20 years ago)

To the anonymous writer who took issue with the word "dumb".

As an elected official I often find myself appearing in various stories etc. some true and some not. I do have to tell you though that anyone who claims that I was ever driven home from a DUI by Baker or any other District is not just a fibber, he's a damn liar.

Dave Stengel

President Dotson Says Officer Did It Right

July 13th, 2004 @ 6:38PM (20 years ago)

OK, kudos to you for actually answering, but why have you decided to shun the police? This is not just "our" interpretation, It is reality.

President Dotson Says Officer Did It Right

July 14th, 2004 @ 12:20AM (20 years ago)

First off, Officer Cambron hold your head high sir, you did a fine job of policework. It is truly a shame that most of this community is blind to what those in law enforcement must endure on a daily basis to keep this city safe.That being said, shame on the media. You never present a story in full. All you want is the next big story for your ratings. Well sorry, you can cut that tape till' your black (oops don't want to appear racist) cold heart's content but that officer did nothing wrong. Hell, with the media they don't even wait for a story to happen. They chase it with their police scanners and temper tantrums when they don't get their way. Oh and Dave Stengel, or maybe I should call you Judas since it does fit better. You are a poor excuse for a city official. Don't expect to get elected again, you've lost respect in this town. May I suggest monster.com?Lastly and most important, to the men and women of Louisville that chose their profession to serve and protect this community, please remember there are those of us who respect you and thank you for the work that you do. God bless and be safe.

President Dotson Says Officer Did It Right

July 18th, 2004 @ 11:01PM (20 years ago)

I just watched the video all the way through and I am in amazement. What did he do wrong? What is Stengel doing. What a chicken sh*t. I guess Stengel would bend over and take it from Marshall the way he does with the Mayor and the Chief. STENGEL YOU ARE WEAK!!!!

President Dotson Says Officer Did It Right

August 29th, 2004 @ 1:00AM (20 years ago)

I hope someday we actually start holding the media responsible for placing profit and ratings over reporting the truth.

Cambron is a top notch officer and still remains so in my eyes.