LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

LMPD releases body cam footage after suspect shot by police near Breckenridge Lane


RE: LMPD releases body cam footage after suspect shot by police...

April 20th, 2018 @ 12:39PM (6 years ago)

The politicians, judges and doctors have known for over 30 years that there were dangerous mentally ill people running amok on the streets. Now you will know......the REST....of the story.

New York Times, 1984: "The policy that led to the release of most of the nation's mentally ill patients from the hospital to the community is now widely regarded as a major failure. Sweeping critiques of the policy, notably the recent report of the American Psychiatric Association, have spread the blame everywhere, faulting politicians, civil libertarian lawyers and psychiatrists. But who, specifically, played some of the more important roles in the formation of this ill-fated policy? What motivated these influential people and what lessons are to be learned?

A detailed picture has emerged from a series of interviews and a review of public records, research reports and institutional recommendations. The picture is one of cost-conscious policy makers, who were quick to buy optimistic projections that were, in some instances, buttressed by misinformation and by a willingness to suspend skepticism"
