LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police say passerby may have saved life of LMPD officer attacked by homeless man


RE: Police say passerby may have saved life of LMPD officer attacked...

September 11th, 2017 @ 10:40PM (7 years ago)

That's a natural question that anyone who's only worked at LMPD and lived in Louisville would ask. To find out why it matters, try living and working a city where officers generally like the Mayor and don't vote no-confidence in the Chief.

There, the police are allowed to do their jobs. Habitual criminals know they will get stopped and patted down. Shootings are relatively rare. People aren't afraid to walk down their street like many are today in Louisville.

RE: Police say passerby may have saved life of LMPD officer attacked...

September 11th, 2017 @ 11:40PM (7 years ago)

"Why does it matter who the mayor is? I mean really it's just the mayor not president"

Local government provides the vast majority of services for citizens in Louisville. The federal government's main job is distribute social welfare payments and maintain the military. The rest is mostly window dressing.