LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

LMPD chief defends changes to department, says he asked mayor for more officers


RE: LMPD chief defends changes to department, says he asked mayor...

May 22nd, 2017 @ 11:51AM (7 years ago)

There is a difference between real education and programming. Many university programs today are idiot factories run by people who never stepped foot in the real world. Their graduates often end up in working class jobs not requiring a college degree, but with $100,000 of student debt to show for it. Any homeless guy can get equally good education from watching youtube at the public library as going to some of the useless classes at U of L. SPI has taught our Lts and command how to run a department into the ground and make crime soar.

RE: LMPD chief defends changes to department, says he asked mayor...

May 22nd, 2017 @ 1:51PM (7 years ago)

Education is one thing and indoctrination is another. That is what today's institutes of alleged "higher learning" do... indoctrinate young skulls full of mush as to what political correctness is. Supposedly these same institutions are the last bastions of free speech. Yeah right... free speech as long as its speech they agree with (see Berkley, CA.).