LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

MULE Tactical unveils AR15 hidden Glock stock


RE: MULE Tactical unveils AR15 hidden Glock stock

February 3rd, 2015 @ 1:38PM (9 years ago)

If you are a police officer, at some point in your career you are going to tell a lie and I am not talking about lying to criminals to get confessions. I'm talking about administrative lying or even lying in court. While I don't condone it by any means, anyone who is a police officer and say they have never lied on duty, is lying NOW. That's because you know how on the police department a very small situation can easily be blown up to a major, massive ordeal. I have seen this over and over again. You learn early the only way to stop the bleeding is the cover your *****. It is done on AIR forms, it is done to hide your mistakes, it is done all the time. Instead of judging those who were caught, I prefer to keep my mouth shut to avoid being a hypocrite.