LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Memphis mayor says police union's 'danger' billboards hurting city's image


RE: Memphis mayor says police union's 'danger' billboards hurting...

May 6th, 2013 @ 9:02PM (11 years ago)
Posted by: Gaius Petronius Arbiter

One of the biggest issues on this agency is the lack of a sense of history. With most of the “youth” on this department there is no knowledge of the protections and financial guarantees that have been whittled away since the creation of LMPD. It is my hope that the FOP leadership is actually fighting for the protections, as well as for financial issues.

It is my belief that this mayor is no friend of organized labor and that this administration is simply Jerry 2.0. I hope I am wrong, but the reality is that if he (and his appointed people) have resisted FOP efforts this long on contractual issues then we may be even longer without a contract. And I am OK that.

I also feel we do have the advantage of being able to count his appointees and their salaries in a manner that is advantageous to us. But that will take political courage of the entire membership to utilize

- Patronius