LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Retired cop and neighbor stopped Mahmoud Hindi, forced him to drop gun after shooting two


RE: Retired cop and neighbor stopped Mahmoud Hindi, forced him...

November 3rd, 2012 @ 7:41PM (11 years ago)

Seems to me everybody just wants to beetch. We were talking about him being gone and no one can get a V day. Seems to me you must be jealous or want to date him and can't. I'm sure he was disqualified from that test and that should be that.

Not to bring up the old county and city thing, but old county went by hire dates, old city went by sworn dates. There could have been some misinformation given by someone along the line.

RE: Retired cop and neighbor stopped Mahmoud Hindi, forced him...

November 3rd, 2012 @ 8:35PM (11 years ago)

Sneaky KB. Wonder what's up his sleeve now? I bet he's looking for another opporunity to cheat.

RE: Retired cop and neighbor stopped Mahmoud Hindi, forced him...

November 4th, 2012 @ 8:42AM (11 years ago)

No, that's now what I'm saying at all...

I'm not implying any blanket statement that all KB has ever done (or will do) has been pure and right.

It just seems he receives a disproportionate amount of greif for things he may/may not have done or does/doesn't do.

Not really defending him per se (although it may sound like it); it just gets old hearing (reading) everyone bash him over and over.